Thursday, December 19, 2019
The Knowledge Level Of Adolescent Girls About Reproductive...
1.2 RESEARCH QUESTIONS The guiding research questions for this study include the following:†¢What is the knowledge level of adolescent girls about reproductive health issues generally?†¢ What is their level of awareness concerning the existence of family planning services?†¢ Is there a link between the knowledge level of adolescent girls about reproductive health issues and the incidence of unsafe induced abortion?†¢ Is there a connection between their level of awareness about family planning services and their usage of these services?†¢Is there a link between the acknowledge of family planning services and unsafe induced abortion? 1.3 GENERAL AIM OF STUDY The general aim of this study is to assess the association between the sexual and reproductive health knowledge of adolescent girls and induced abortion in the study area. 1.4 OBJECTIVES OF STUDY This study therefore has as its objectives the following: 1. To investigate the general knowledge level of adolescent girls about reproductive health issues. 2. To assess their level of awareness concerning the existence of family planning services. 3. To find out the relationship(if any)between the knowledge level of adolescent girls on reproductive health issues and unsafe induced abortion 4. To establish the relationship between their level of awareness about family services and their usage of these services 5. To ascertain the relationship between their knowledge of family planning services and unsafe induced abortion 1.5Show MoreRelatedPregnancy And Its Effects On Children1444 Words  | 6 Pagesmistimed or unwanted among adolescents. Studies in the past have Indicated that, lack of adequate sexual and reproductive health knowledge may possibly represent a key factor preventing the complete elimination of unwanted pregnancies, and unsafe induced abortion among adolescent girls in Nigeria. 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