Monday, May 25, 2020
Technology Distractions in Education Essay - 871 Words
Times are forever changing, and things in life is constantly evolving to something better or something more efficient ,especially technology. College campuses are overflowing with students packing Blackberry,iPods, laptops and cellphones. College student are obsessed with the latest technology and in today classroom such technologys capture the audience. Moreover, as a learning institution, a college holds the responsibility to offer its student the best technology to help them prepare for their future. In â€Å"Facing the Facebook†written by Micheal Bugeja the professor examines the ethical and educational effect of the time student spend online. In addition, technology could be undermining the educational goal of critical thinking while†¦show more content†¦For example, online classes which offers student the convenience of attending class anywhere, at anytime, 24/7, as long as there is an available computer and access to the internet. This flexibility allows stud ents to continue their current lifestyle with minimal disruptions. Also, the laptop allow student to take more ameliorate,organized. and quicker notes when used in class. Certainly, these are effective skills to obtain for todays job market. There is not a job today that does not use a computer for something,we can agree that in order to be successful one must be proficient in the use of technology, specifically computers. This means that any student that does not know the essential like e-mails, word processors, databases, networks , and the internet ,will be at a disadvantage. Meanwhile, by practicing these skill student demonstrate problem- solving ability and higher-order thinking( learning leading with technology, pg. 47). From experience, in a office setting it is very hard to train someone who has little or no computer skills. Moreover, It is the educators job to prepare student so they are marketable in todays workforce. Finally, technology play numerous roles in the for student, but can it such tool build self-esteem? Many student fail to succeed in class because lack of confidence. Maybe your thinking how can confidence determine motivation. Well look at it like this, for instance, your a adult married with two kids and just returningShow MoreRelatedTechnology Is The World Of Online Education1026 Words  | 5 Pagesof online education continues to evolve, schools are incorporating digital learning into their classrooms. Through diversifying learning and opening communication technology has become the most unique way to develop the comprehension the school’s desire. Student learning and the outcome of the technology generation has become a common development and looks as though it is here to stay. This paper discusses the pros for technology as the gateway to education, such as: diversity technology gives andRead MoreImpact Of Distractions On Higher Education Classrooms1344 Words  | 6 PagesRidding Distractions in Higher Educati on Classrooms Clay Shirky, a professor of media studies at New York University, has allowed his students to willfully use their personal devices such as laptops, tablets, and phones in class for years. However, as he continued to realize the issue of distraction provoked by personal technology use in class, he recently shifted his classroom policy from â€Å"allowed unless by request†to â€Å"banned unless required.†Shirky illustrates that â€Å"allowing laptop use in classRead MoreImportance Of Cell Phones In The Classroom1719 Words  | 7 PagesThe idea of cell phones in the classroom is an immensely debated topic. Researchers and professors have done research and conducted experiments to decide if having technology in the classroom is beneficial or simply a distraction. Many school’s policies on the use of technology vary depending on the type of education system. The statistics given based on whether cell phone use is permitted at school is oftentimes used to suppor t one side of the argument. People tend to lean towards a specific sideRead MoreThe Internet And Its Effect On Education1642 Words  | 7 Pageschanged the process of learning in many ways. Some may ask if the access to the internet diminishes the quality of education in what high school students receive? While some studies have shown that the increase of internet usage has led to shortened attention span in today’s youth. The excess use of the internet can create more opportunities for students to progress in their education and broaden their learning environment. The internet would expand possibilities for teachers to explore differentRead MorePatient Education : A Vital Role For Nurses1283 Words  | 6 PagesPatient education has been a vital role for nurses. Over the years, the importance of educating patients has shown to improve outcomes and decrease re-hospitalization. With the advancement of technology in patient education, it has shown increase patient engageme nt and helps patients play and active role in their healthcare. These technologies can be used in the hospital, medical offices, at home and even on mobile devices. This gives several different opportunities to education patients and differentRead MoreVirtual Classrooms : Virtual Classroom1245 Words  | 5 Pages Virtual Classroom Effectiveness A virtual classroom setting becomes more effective as technology advances. It gives a student more options to gain their education while having other obligations. Distant learning dates, back to the 1800’ and it has advanced over time with the growth of technology. As technology keep moving forward the virtual setting has will continue to have many benefits to help the student be more successful. The virtual setting hasRead MoreTechnology And Its Effect On Youth1017 Words  | 5 PagesTechnology plays a large role in today’s youth. It is utilized in everyday life through school, work, and home. There are several different types of technology. Watching television, using a cellular device, playing video games, and using a computer make up some of the ways to utilize technology. Children and teens make up youth today. Even children have begun to use technology often, along with teens. Many of today’s youth have grown up with technology surrounded by them. This is becoming a hugeRead MoreA Virtual Classroom Setting Becomes More Effective As Technology Advances1326 Words  | 6 PagesA virtual classroom setting becomes more effective as technology advances. It gives a student’s more options to gain their education while having other obligations. Distant learning dates, back to the 1800’ and it has advanced over time with the growth of technology. As technology keeps moving forward the virtual setting has will continue to have many benefits to help the student be more successful. The virtual setting has created an environment where online learning has the accreditation thatRead MoreEffects Of Laptop Usage On The Classroom934 Words  | 4 Pagesover the Internet. They have an addictive quality that gives the laptop the connotation â€Å"distraction†. Taneja (2015) explains â€Å"Prior studies have found that a students motivation has a significant impact on their learning.†(p. 145) If the students are in a l ecture hall they’re isn’t much intrinsic motivation, so of course students are going to become distracted by the motivation from their laptop. The distraction is not only to you but also to other students in the classroom and disrespectful to theRead MoreMedication Safety Guidelines And Information1433 Words  | 6 Pagescontrol of the health care professional, patient, or consumer (â€Å"Suggested definitions†, 1998). It is vital for health care professionals and institutes to implement medication safety programs, reduce distractions, and for nurses and or employees to engage in active interception practices. An education program over medication safety may aid in reducing medication errors and the harm that follows errors. A commonly used strategy is the â€Å"5 Rights of Medication administration†which includes right patient
Sunday, May 17, 2020
Learning Experiences And Assessment Opportunities For...
Introduction â€Å"Schools provide learning experiences and assessment opportunities for their students based on work programs approved by the QCAA†Assessment forms an integral part of both education and real life, assessment of understanding, peer feedback, and self-assessment form a central part of social processes and therefore mediate the development of intellectual abilities, construction of knowledge, and formation of a students identity (Shepard, 2000). Assessment of learning also provides a metacognitive awareness for the student and creates accountability for pedagogical strategies and curriculum policies. Therefore, assessment is also an integral part of the Australian Professional Teaching Standard 5  Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning (AITSL, 2011). The assessment for this task was designed in accordance with the Mathematics 10A Syllabus. The assessment in this task provided valuable feedback to the students’ and formed a part of the cumulative information on which levels of achievement in the area of Measurement and Geometry are determined. The students’ content knowledge is also challenged while ensuring the Australian Curriculum achievement standard and content descriptions for the Mathematics 10 and 10A achievements also match the standards elaborations (SEs) developed from the proficiency strands Understanding, Fluency, Problem solving and Reasoning (Queensland Cirriculum Assessment Authority, QCAA 2015a, QCAA 2015b) The school is
Friday, May 15, 2020
Literary Analysis Of Mice And Men - 1009 Words
Literary Analysis Rough Draft Friendship and companionship play a big role in people s life and how they interact with others, and the world in general. How people build relationships is something that will stick with them for the rest of their lives. The less relationships that people build, the more lonely, and self-kept they become. Throughout the book Of Mice and Men, George, and Lennie are examples of the positive effects on building relationships, and Crooks is an example of the negative effects on not building relationships. Crooks represents loneliness, and not building relationships. George and Lennie represent dependence on one another, and an example of how to build a strong bond/relationship. Throughout the book Of Mice and†¦show more content†¦Also he tends to react in this way because he is insecure about himself. Crooks, and his character development, is the outcome of him being isolated, lonely, separated from others, and discriminated against. Loneliness dri ves the way that people think, and how they feel. As Crooks trys to explain to Lennie how lucky he is to have someone to lean on, he feels a sense of sorrow, because what he is telling Lennie, is his life. Crooks proclaims to Lennie, â€Å"Maybe you can see now. You got George. You know he’s goin’ to come back. S’pose you didn’t have nobody. S’pose you couldn’t go into the bunkhouse and play rummy ‘cause you was black. How’d you like that? Sure you could play horseshoes till it got dark, but then you got to read books. Books ain’t no good. A guy needs somebody--to be near him.†He whined, â€Å"A guy goes nuts if he ain’t got nobody. Don’t make no difference who the guy is, long’s he’s with you. I tell ya,†he cried, â€Å"I tell ya a guy gets too lonely an’ he gets sick†(72-73). This quote specifically is talking about Crooks life, and what he goes through everyday . That day Lennie became Crooks somebody, which is something he has never experienced before. At first he was hesitant about Lennie, but because he never talks to anyone, Crooks let him in because he realized that Lennie could be that somebody, somebody to talk to and connect with. Crooks symbolically represents loneliness, and the negative effects of not building/havingShow MoreRelatedOf Mice and Men Literary Analysis1242 Words  | 5 Pagesï » ¿Of Mice and Men Literary Analysis Of Mice and Men is a novel about two men and their struggle to reach their dreams of owning their own ranch. George Milton and Lennie Small are best friends, who despite of all their extremely difference personalities, but still manage to work together, travel together and get rid of anything that gets in their way. The friendship between George and Lennie is prevalent throughout the book, but it is shown most explicitly in their plan to live on a farm togetherRead MoreOf Mice and Men Literary Analysis Essay examples980 Words  | 4 PagesThe Quintessence of Love and Loss Throughout life, many of our journeys leave us feeling despondent and unwanted. It is when we travel with another human soul that we are not left feeling so austere. In John Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men, George and Lennie are two wandering souls, both very different in stature and appearance, yet very alike in spirit. It is in this relationship that the true foundation of companionship is expressed. In the beginning of Steinbeck’s novella, George and Lennie haveRead MoreOf Mice And Men Rhetorical Analysis1458 Words  | 6 Pages Of Mice and Men Rhetorical Analysis Adrian Blackstone Mrs. Adkins AP Lang Comp 3/5/15 In 1929 the effect of The Great Depression echoed throughout The United States. Forcing many farmers to sell their farms and give up on their pursuit of the widely sought after American Dream. Although in third person Steinbeck centers the novella around the two main characters George, and Lennie. Using strong rhetorical strategies such as diction, imagery, novel structure, and literary devices. SteinbeckRead MoreFriendship and Overcoming Adversity1200 Words  | 5 Pages Topic: Friendship and Overcoming Adversity Story: â€Å"Of Mice and Men†by John Steinbeck ( a story about the hardships of two diverse men and their friendship) Literary Text: â€Å"Finding Nemo†by Andrew Stanton Introductory Claim: Of Mice and Men- Both â€Å"Of Mice and Men†and â€Å" Finding Nemo†both display an example of friendship and overcoming adversity within the novel and movie. Body 1: Of Mice and Men- Claim: Steinbeck displays the ideal of friendship and overcoming adversity within his novelRead MoreOf Mice And Men And The Five People You Meet1083 Words  | 5 Pagesâ€Å"Of Mice and Men†and â€Å"The Five People you Meet in Heaven†literary analysis Characterization and symbolism throughout the two books Of Mice and Men and The Five People you Meet in Heaven incorporate the theme brothers keeper. A brothers keeper is someone who looks over and protects one and other, in other words a guardian angel. The main character in The Five People you Meet in Heaven Eddie s life is turned around on his birthday when he is killed and put into heaven where he meets five peopleRead MoreInfluence Of Writer s Life And Times1416 Words  | 6 Pageshardship and destitution, greatly influenced John Steinbeck and his dismal novella, Of Mice and Men. Steinbeck, though raised in a fairly successful family in Salinas, California, knew what it felt like to scrounge for money. Working as a laborer and journalist in New York City, Steinbeck remembers his time immediately after college as hungry, dirty, penniless, and lonely, much like the main characters of Of Mice and Men. Steinbeck grew up with a love of writing, and dreamed of writing stories about hisRead MoreAnalysis Of Of Mice And Men1132 Words  | 5 PagesMax Nesins Mrs. Thompson HSE 1; Period 3 November 3, 2015 Analysis of Of Mice and Men. During the 1930’s Great Depression, author, John Steinbeck (1902-1968) wrote many books regarding the difficulties and tragedies that struck farmers who strived to make a living in a rural, and destitute California. One intriguing novel that exhibits his common themes is Of Mice and Men. People similar to Lennie, strive to achieve their dream in America, the land of unlimited potential, despite the depressionRead MoreJohn Steinbeck: An American Writer During the Great Depression1315 Words  | 6 PagesMillions of workers have been laid off and struggled in poverty on account of the great depression. Refugees and migrant workers traveled around the state, longing for job. Under that historical background, John Steinbeck wrote this novel in 1937. Of Mice and Men is the second novel of his labor trilogy. It is mainly talk about two migrant workers George and Lennie’s working experience in a ranch. They hope to earn a piece of small land and live together happily in that hard time. It is also called theRead MoreSummary Of Of Mice And Men 2276 Words  | 10 PagesKratin Kumar Period 2 Mrs.Maude 4/17/15 Of Mice and Men Homework Assignments Chapter One I. Interpreting Meaning 1. In Of Mice and Men, Lennie Small is a large, lumbering man who acts like a child. What makes him a child is that mentally he is challenged. Because Lennie has a mental disability, he is dependent on George for all his needs. George is a well-fit human being while Lenny is disabled, causing George to be in charge of Lennie. The disabled one does not manipulate the knowledge one, butRead MoreOf Mice and Men Essay on Loneliness1318 Words  | 6 PagesHonors English 9 10 March 2014 Of Mice and Men Literary Analysis Essay on Loneliness â€Å"Actually, feeling lonely has little to do with how many friends you have. It s the way you feel inside. Some people who feel lonely may rarely interact with people and others who are surrounded by people but don t feel connected†(Karyn Hall 2013). Truthfully, loneliness is something almost all people fear. It s a deeper feeling then just being isolated. It s feeling distant or disconnected from others.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
True Love Essay - 733 Words
I looked around me, nothing but laughter, nothing but happiness. My eyes scanned over the table, at the people that meant the most to me. My birthday had been the best yet, nothing better than being around your friends on your special days I seem to recall my mother saying. I had received many presents, been hugged by many people, enjoyed the attention, yet there was something; something missing,. As I closed my eyes I tried to grasp what this feeling was. That day was not the only day I had been feeling this, but since everyday I could remember; however, this particular day it was more prevalent than ever before. I was interrupted by my best friend, Thank you so much for bringing us to this†¦show more content†¦I knew that I had the best friends that one could wish for, but that day just felt extra special and continued thereafter. I looked at Alexis who was now sitting opposite me. He smiled at me, I felt reassured and my mind cast back to the time when he told me he liked me. He had knelt on one knee and offered me a rose, You know I will always be there for you, no matter what we go through, I adore you and I feel closer to you than just a friend. Having someone like that for you, made me feel special and that life was worth living. Amy a voice called to me from across the table, Do you remember when we went ice skating last year? I nodded, and smiled at Tim. He started to recall the story; however throughout the account I could not stop looking at Alexis who was now enjoying the story. It was at this particular moment in time that I felt the strangest. My eyes were fixated on Alexis, and everything just seemed as if things were meant to be and for the first time I forgot about that empty feeling. The setting seemed ideal, everything was faultless, the way he sat, and how he looked intently. I started to notice other features, the way he ate, the way he smiled, the way he just loved being around other people, the way he surprised me and the way he hugged me all suddenly, just felt perfect almost too perfect. He turned, and looked at me,Show MoreRelatedtrue love is not true3697 Words  | 15 Pagesto write an article on LOVE for my publication book. Love What is love? Love is not what you assume it is. That s why so many marriages end in divorce. People get a hormonal rush when they re around a person and think they re in love, and believe that person is the one. Not even close. True love creeps up on you over a long period of time. It s NOT that powerful feeling of I must have this person. Instead, it s a slow build-up. When you truly love someone you don t have toRead MoreIs Love A True Love?1880 Words  | 8 PagesLove is something that most people want to find at some point in their lives. If you ask someone what they want to accomplish in life, they might say common answers like career or family. A lot of people would reply to the question by saying they want to find a person who loves them. Love is having a physical and emotional connection with someone else and can be vital to someone feeling important and building self-esteem. A culture can be defined as norms of the human society that is passed fromRead MoreTrue Love1188 Words  | 5 Pagesï » ¿ True Love From a simple mixture of sexual attraction and attachment to a manifestation of the human soul, feelings of fierce romantic desire boast no shortage of theories explaining their origin and meaning. Love is as much a mystery as it is familiar, highlighting a lack of insight into the human psyche. As man attempts to unravel the endless enigmas behind this apparently paradoxical emotion, more and more questions seem to arise. What is love s true purpose? Why does it begin? How areRead MoreWhat is True Love?612 Words  | 2 PagesLove; the feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection(Dictionary). Love is indeed a magical force of attraction that takes time to develop and requires much more than just a strong attraction. Knowing this, love at first sight is simply not possible, and this can be proven by a variety of reasons. For one the demands of a human go beyond the matter of appearance. More importantly it is important to know that the power behind true love takes time to form and is impossible to form withinRead MoreTrue Love Prevails823 Words  | 4 PagesTRUE LOVE PREVAILS True Love Prevails Wendy Cook Rowan Cabarrus Community College Abstract The Lady or The Tiger is a beautiful little story that leaves the reader hanging at its end. This is a paper arguing the possible outcome of the story. No one can ever doubt the power of true love. Even when faced with the darkest of decisions, when love is present, it always wins one way or another.Read MoreFinding True Love1499 Words  | 6 PagesLove; how much is hiding in these four letters, people all over the world love each other. Love is a great power which makes life so important. I think that without love, people can not live in this world. Some people have already met love. When I was growing up, I was always told that there is someone in this beautiful world for everyone, and I never seemed to believe it. I had been heart crushed by a guy I thought I loved, so ever since then, I thought true love could not be real. I always dreamedRead MoreWhat Is True Love?1377 Words  | 6 PagesWhat is True Love? Looking at the world today, it can be hard to recognize love. There is anger all over the world ranging from the government to terrorists. America’s news feed is filled with events of hate and devastation. CNN’s top stories include events of bombing and shootings on top of many different acts of hate. A most recent incident on CNN’s top stories list, is the Ohio nightclub shooting that took place on March 26th, killing one (Croft et. al). These reported incidents make it difficultRead MoreThe True Nature Of Love1338 Words  | 6 PagesWhat is Love? â€Å"Love, whether newly born or aroused from a deathlike slumber, must always create sunshine, filling the heart so full of radiance, that it overflows upon the outward world.†According to Hawthorne, the true nature of love should not flow from a place of contrived affection. Although Hawthorne’s notion of romantic love is rather idealistic, it starkly contrasts the way â€Å"love†functioned in Puritan society. Many young women at that time were quick to jump into marriages devoid ofRead MoreTrue Love Essay763 Words  | 4 Pageson life because as humans we enjoy the unexpected surprise that is brought fourth from these internal conflicts. It is from these types of situations that we are given new meaning and purpose from these apprehensive feelings arisen from passion and love. Most of us, given the circumstance, exquisitely enjoy the feeling of immense emotional attachment to a loved/cherished one. On the other side most of us also feel horrible when we have been hurt by a loved/cherished one. However it is from theseRead MoreA True Love Story571 Words  | 2 PagesPan was lonely with just his flute, so he set out to find true love. He didn’t have very good luck until one day when he was wandering through the forest. As he was walking, he approached a hungry and mean bear. At this same time, Hestia was walking in the same forest, but in the opposite direction as Pan. She was walking through the forest to go check on her hearth in Rome. As Pan was quietly trying to not disturb the hungry bear, he accidentally stepped on a stick which alerted the bear. The bear
Questions On The Security System - 1791 Words
Abstract Security systems are delicate structures that need to be strengthened given that they are exposed to a lot of risks related to the vulnerabilities that they possess. One of the vulnerabilities that pose risks to the system is the use of default settings. Default settings are common among different people that deal with software. Therefore, hackers will always try to penetrate such systems. It is important to hire security personnel system so that they help in mitigating the risks related to the vulnerability. An effective risk management staff will mitigate the vulnerability so as to prevent future risks related to it. For instance, some will decide to put patches on the system so as to alter its default nature. This approach†¦show more content†¦These systems control different operations such as security, mechanical processes, and communication processes among others (Drew, 2005). Arguably, these systems make organizational operations effective as long as they are maintaine d and protected from security threats. The security systems usually face a lot of risks that jeopardize the whole system as well as the organizational operations (Nyanchama Stefaniu, 2003). The threats are in most cases caused as a result of the vulnerability of the security system. Arguably, experts define system vulnerability as a firmware, hardware, or software defect that makes it susceptible. In other words, vulnerability is a weakness in the procedures of an automated system security (Drew, 2005). The main threat faced by vulnerable systems is exploitation. This is whereby an unauthorized individual gains access to restricted information and controls. Some people exploit such systems so as to steal data or money while others do it for personal reasons such as revenge. Arguably, the main cause of vulnerability of system security is the complex structure of the system. The complexity of internal security systems makes it easy for it to have flaws. As noted earlier, such flaws a re known as security system vulnerability. Vulnerability (Default Settings) There are
Plan of Digital Forensics investigation - Free Samples
Questions: 1. Justifying the plan for digital forensics?2. Describing the plan for forensic investigation?3. Outlining the research for the auditors? Answers: Introduction In any organization there has to be an effective means of carrying out the structure of work. In such case it would be important to understand the process of the work of the organization. In this regard it is also crucial that the company or the organization must have an effective centralized system to help in understanding the systems that are useful for the work (Akhgar et al. 2014). In any organization like One World Finance of OWF the system has become loosed and any system old be intrigued with the help of just few proceedings. The network is to be made effective so that information is restricted to particular systems. However, this study has tried to intervene into the methods by which the hacking or the process of dealing with the unethical intervention of office network is to be analyzed. The method that is carried in the present study is to understand the problem, the nature of the problem and the recommendations or the conclusion that can be drawn from the same. The present study includes the identifying of the issues and the proofs that can be found form the digital forensics. The complex process of digital forensics include the complete understanding of the fundamentals of computers, the aspects of criminal justice, and the general analysis of the entire process. The technology and the complex methods that are carried out to know about digital forensics in used in the current study. The plans those are followed by digital forensics include preservation, validation, collection, identification, interpretation, analysis, presentation and documentation of the facts. However, it might be said in the above case that the methodology could be framed from an abstract model. It includes an approach that may differ from one case to another. 1. Justifying the plan for digital forensics In case of the digital forensics investigation it is important to note the fact that the methods that are present are such that there is comprehensive method of approach that is applied. In such matters it is important to note that in any case of corporate investigation the method is useful. The techniques that are used these days have been to know about the status with the most modernized methods. Bednar et al. (2014) indicates the methods that are used in any corporate branch are to know about the criminal activity that is part of the offence carried out online. The basic methods that are used in the present cases include the fact of trying to make a planned development based on the incident that has happened. The next stage is to plan the evaluation process of the incident. The third stage is the assessment of the program and the next being the training of the staffs. The development of the team to carry out the work efficiently is the most important concern (Edwards, 2014). The a pproach that has been used in the present study to deal with the hacking and fraud issues may be the finding of the evidence after analyzing the problem. Then dealing with the acquisition effectively and then finally reporting. The plan that is entailed in digital forensics includes the following: Live forensics Computer forensics Database forensics Mobile forensics Network forensics The plans that may be followed by digital forensics include preservation, validation, collection, identification, interpretation, analysis, presentation and documentation of the facts. However, it might be said in the above case that the methodology could be framed from an abstract model. It includes an approach that may differ from one case to another. The prime motive of the methodology is that to collect information to the most that is possible. The impact and the problem that is to be faced by the victim are to be minimized. In the present case it may be said that the problem that marsh faced could be improved with the identification of the problem and to finally know whether the culprit was Gale. The preparation of the technique includes preparing tools, the method, search warrants and finally the surveillance. Figure 1: Network security approach for digital forensics analysis (Source: Gladyshev et al. 2011) The warranty that is received from the organization deals with the analysis of the cyber attacks and the threats that may be found even with the most effective and best methods of monitoring. The warranty is that in corporate companies there is an assurance that is to be guaranteed by the companies or the techniques that can monitor cyber crime effectively. Carayannis et al. (2009) refer this is to retain the reputation of the company or the organization efficiently. In order to know about the investigation process it is crucial to have a methodology. The methodology is to assess the situation and to analyzing the objectives that is inclusion of the investigation. The data that is collected is to secure the evidence and to process them to reach the ultimate means. The next step in the methodology entails the recovery of the data and then to perform the analysis (Holt, 2014). The identification of the attack and the importance of the timeline are to be achieved. Al the findings from the system and the analysis of the memory lead to the interaction of the management in finally making the decision process. Then there has to be a way that must be proficient in reducing future chances of the attacks. Gladyshev et al. (2011) the report that is finally found is used for different purpose like that of staff, management, litigation and law. In this regard it is important to know that there are processes that are effective in dealing with the complexity of the cyber crime. But there has to be prominent means that must be carried out so that there are certain methods that warranty the service to the corporate companies. The companies need to ensure that they have a system that is well channeled to know about the current situation (Kao and Wang, 2009). 2. Describing the plan for forensic investigation The resources that are required in case of dealing an effective forensic plan is to entail the fact, that there has to be effective monitoring through different tolls. They are effective in dealing with the system. In the ancient days there were means like that of live analysis that was used. This used to be the case in the 1980s. But with the advent of different other technologies there have been used in the computer forensics. The computer forensic tools include EnCase which is a toll that can be used or the multipurpose. Wireshark is the open source that is used to analyze the packet data. SANS investigative forensics is a system that is useful for a number of purpose. Internet evidence finder is the tool that is useful in dealing with communicative problem and in retrieving the data that are there in the hard drives (Jaswal and Thakur, 2014). Registry recon is the one that is useful in analyzing the hard drive with the registry. The information that is there in the system is used for rebuilding the case and then passing the information for analysis. EPRB is the password recovery tool that is useful in dealing with the encryption and decryption of data. Digital forensics framework is another important tools that can be used for the framework if the interfaces (Zuba, 2014). Most important tools are FTK, COFEE, MailXaminer, Categoriser 4 Pictures, Shell Control Box, X-Ways forensics. FTK is the one that that is necessary in dealing with the index that is related to the acquired data. This is a tool that can be used for a variety of purposes. COFEE is a tool that has been used to know about the Microsoft and the tools that are required in Windows. Similarly the other tools that have been mentioned above have been effective in dealing with the problems that are there in windows and the issues that may be there. The resources that are required in order to channel the monitoring and the methodology of analyzing and finding the crime include few grounds (Wykes, 2007). There has to be effective team that is well versed with the use of the techniques and to tailor the methodology efficiently. After this the team needs to know about the tolls and use them in finding the fault zone of the crime that has been committed in the present analysis. The skill is to be c hanneled and used in the most effective means. In such case it is important to note that there has to be the case like that of John Marsh where in order to understand the problem of Gale there may be use of the tools. This can make the case of Gale evident to other people that they have the problem of fraud. In case of software resources there are software that can understand the hacking and the fraud identification. In such case it is important to install the software in the system that can analyze the same. In case of the hardware there can be retrieval of information from the system. The history of the system can be accessed in dealing with the same. Resources for digital forensics (Hardware and software): In order to investigate the case of John, some effective tools as well as resources are required for the process of digital forensic investigation. However, the resources are as follows: Study tools of email: It can be utilized to access the different emails of the officers as well as employees of the company. Email study tool also can be utilized for accessing other mails those are related with server of One World Finance. File viewers: Information Manager uses this technique of file viewers in order to view different files of Johns computer. IT manager also uses this file viewer for accessing the files from the computer of Andrew. Study tool of file: It can be utilized to study some files those have become the proof of investigation. File study tools can be utilized to gather some of the hidden files of the computer. On the other hand, Edwards (2014) argued that, file study tools help to get an effective design of the mentality of the hacker. Forensic tools of server: The investigation officer to track the server of OWF uses these tools. Server forensic tools help to hide some information that can be helpful for increasing as well as decreasing the status of the company. This tool can also be helpful for catching the criminal of digital activities. Forensic investigation of database: This tool is very much helpful for accessing the database of company. However, the hacker in accordance with their intention or objective can also access the database. The hacker in the market can also sell the information of database. This can lead to the destruction of the company. Therefore, the company to see what types of information are stored there should always investigate the database. Is the information safe or unsafe? Windows tools: However, different types of tools of windows can be utilized for the process of digital forensics. Shell control box, Mail Xaminer, COFEE, X-Way forensics, FTX etc are used for the process of digital forensics. There are different tools those can be used for gathering information of Windows and the operating system of the company. Storage media: There are different types of storage media those can be utilized for storing the evidence of investigation. Different files of video, image, audio can be stored in the storage media. The software that may be used includes SANS SIFT, ProDiscover basic, voltality and so on. There are other software like that of the Sleuth kit, FTK imager, Linux dd, Caine, Oxygen Forensic suite and many more. This software could be installed to know about the intrusion and to know about the unauthorized server access. Memory forensic analysis could be made from the same with even forensic exploration of images. The tools that are available from the software is to be understood in order to access the system and the usability of the software. The hardware that could be used includes FREDC forensic network, forensic write blockers, forensic devices, signal and power cables and so on. The hardware could be effective with the integration of the processing along with the handling of the computer cases. 3. Outlining the research for the auditors In case of the auditors there has to be a comprehensive method that is to be taken by them in order to channel the same. However, it is crucial to note that there has to be certain measures that have to be used in order to have the necessary poof against the guilty. There has to be hardcore evidence that must act as a proof for the evidence that is required for identification (Panwar, 2009). The approach that is effective in dealing with the problem and then channeling the measure deals that the information that is obtained has to be authorized and must be liable for the use of investigation. Apart from this the locations that is important to know about the present case dominant to have the evidence regarding the location. There has to be a comprehensive and effective method that must be used for validating the methods and to know about the interpretation of the data that has been collected. Based on the data collected from the technique there has to be conclusions that may be drawn that is particularly at par with the data that has been collected. There could be use of certain phases by the auditors that may be effective like that of the IDIP that is Integrated Digital Investigation Process Summers et al. (2014). This method is the identification of the problem, preservation of the information that is important for the system, examining the data that has been collected and then analyzing the same. The presentation that is used in the conclusion is the fact that has been gathered from the information that has been collected. Olusi et al. (2009) points out the digital evidence in this regard can be done with the help of the detail information that is important. The tools that have which the mentioned above could be used so that there are different means by which the team that is efficient can be used. In such case it is dominant for the team to use the tools that the information that has been used unethically can be understood and retrieved. The team needs to ensure the fact that there has to be an effective structure that is to be tailored so that there may be other means. The fraud cases are to be understood in the present case and then there has to be analysis that may be done based on the cases (Nilssonand Larson, 2009). The auditors need to be aware of the allegation of the conclusion that they finally draw. This is to note the fact that there may be different forms of fraud cases but the proof that is to be delivered against the guilty needs to be appropriate and as per the ethical means. In the case of john marsh it has been found that Andrew Gal has been made responsible for the case of fraud. In this particular regard it is the duty of the IT manager to look in o the method and then to analyze the system. The proof that is to be presented against Gale has to be true and effective only to make the parson actually guilty for the work that he has done. This comes under the legal issue and so there has to be actions taken only with the necessary proof. The policies that have been used deals with the fact that there cannot be any unethical or baseless claims that can be brought about against anyone (McIntyre, 2014). The policy that is used in US is that there is Foreign policy that deals with the fact that anyone found guilty with the information and the use of the cyber crime in punishable under law. However, it also states the fact that there has to be an effective means by which there can be fake information that may be brought against someone in such case it is puni shable offence for the person who brought the unethical claim (Mansfield, 2009). Steps of Microsoft Windows-based computer: Final implementation is very much essential for suspecting the guilty. The final steps are very important for this particular scenario of the present case. The detail information is required in order to get detail information about the crime. It also helps in finding the suspected person. It can be found that centralized server can be utilized for spreading the information from Johns system to another system or emails and network of other persons. In this case, the java script can be utilized to validate the data in the operating system of the windows. In this purpose, Z-test, regression T-test can be done. On the other hand, SPSS software can be utilized to complete the purpose. Recommendations The following may be recommended for OWF can be as follows: The company needs to install few of the software that is effective in dealing with the system and there cannot be any intrusion in the information. A centralized system is t be made with the software to deal with the fact that there are no unethical means that is used to carry out the work. Every employee is to be assigned a system which must have a password that may be the fingerprint of the employee. This can ensure that there is no intrusion that is there in any other system. In case of the fingerprint password it may be said that there has to be no means by which one can enter into any others system. There may be the process of e-discovery that could be used so that any time any person tries to interfere in the system from outside or not from the assigned one there is an automatic system stoppage. This will also help in the litigation support. The support can even act as a proof so that there are means like that of the problem that is related to the one or the group who tried to intervene in the most unethical means. The recommendation that has been given can be effective to know about the basic problem and to tailor the means so that the negative and the unethical means are not used by the company or the employees in any way. Conclusion It may be concluded in this respect that there has to be a effective channeling and monitoring process that can be done in order to know about the present cyber crime problems. Forensic digital may have a number of issues that is relating to the problem that is faced by the people or organization in these days. It may be said in this regard that there may be a number of means that could be used so that there is the proper analysis of the problem. The problem needs to be understood from the grass root level and then there has to be efficient means by which there may be use of the tools. The tools need to be used as per the specific issue that has been faced. The present study has helped in understanding the policies and the methodology that can be used before using the tools finally. References Akhgar, B., Staniforth, A. and Bosco, F. (2014). Cyber crime and cyber terrorism investigator's handbook. Waltham, MA: Syngress. Bednar, P., Katos, V. and Hennell, C. (2014). 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
College 2 Essay Example For Students
College 2 Essay The main character of the novel Crime and Punishment by Feodor Dostoevsky, Raskolnikov, is in reality has two totally contradicting personalities. One part of him is intellectual. He is cold, unfeeling and inhumane. He exibits tremendous self-will. It is this side that enables him to commit the most terrible crime imaginable taking another human life. The other part of his personality is warm and compassionate. This is the side of him that does charitable acts and fights out against the evil in his society. The confusion in Raskolnikovs soul is best seen when he tries to help a girl in the street who has been raped and left to the whims of anyone who finds her. Raskolnikov tries to protect her from the evil of the street, gut then stops himself when he is revulsed by the wickedness of his society. Why did I take it upon myself to interfere? Was it for me to try to help? Let them eat one another alive what is it to me? At one time Raskolnikov is both caring and concerned and yet he is able to push aside the whole affair by being totally indifferent. This is how Raskolnikov is able to commit his crime. His intellectual side ignores his conscience and is able to commit the crime in a rational and orderly way. It is his dual character that serves as his punishment. One side of him is able to commit the murders so the other must bear the punishment. He is tortured by the cruelty in mankind and yet he himself is able to repeat it. Ralkolnokove justifies his crime through a philosophy that he has come up with. The man with power is the man to rule over all others. But this power is only given to those who dare to take it. Raskolnikov wanted to see if he had the courage to take that power. He also had to battle with his rationalization of the murbers. He claimed that since Alyona, the first murder victim, was such a parasite to people,it was all right to kill her. He never mentions his other victim, Lizaveta, because she was the sweet and harmless one whose murder he cannot face.The two other characters of the novel who represent these two different sides are Sonya Marmeladov and Svidrigailov. Sonya is the warm side of Raskolnikov. She is a prostitute forced into that field because her father drinks away all of the money in the family. She is meek and submissive. She will give her father her last copeck even if he comes to her totally drunk. Raskolnikov is at once attracted to and repulsed by this personality. Svidrigailov is the cold and detached personality that Raskol nikov both loathes and embraces. The goal of the novel is to make Raskolnikov into one character.Sonya helps bring Raskolnikov back into his emotional, humane side.Through her suffering, she shows him that it is important to have a love for all humanity and that no person should ever be able to exist like a parasite off of another person. Porifery, the official investigating the crime, acts as the intellectual who shows Roskolnikov that all intellect must be used for the good of mankind. As said before the character Raskolnikov in the novel Crime and Punishment is among one of the most realistic and believable characters I have ever read about. He is also the most confusing and distraught man I have been introduced to this entire year. Raskolnikov possesses the most varying personality imaginable and this makes the reasoning behind his actions a mystery, especially in the case of the murder. Determining the rationale in killing the old pawnbroker is a complex process that necessitates deep thought from the reader. It is also a difficult point to argue because Dostoevskys novel is so intensely detailed that different readers can emphasize different aspects of the book in order to attempt to explain Raskolnikovs deeds. Guilt as well as intellectual reasoning prove to be the main motivating factors behind the crime of Raskolnikov. Throughout the novel his actions are usually a result of his striking intelligence or his tormenting conscience, or in the situation of the murder, both. Raskolnikovs idea to kill the old pawnbroker stems from a theory he was developing. It was probable that during his studies at the university he was aquatinted with the popular philosophies of two German thinkers of the time. One of these philosophers is George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, who had formulated a conception of an exceptional individual he called a superman. Hegels superman exists for good purposes. He stands above and beyond the ordinary man and works for the good of all men. The most controversial part of this superman theory that Raskolnikov obviously adopts is the Machiavellian belief that the end justifies the mean. This means that anything that could have a beneficial outcome for many should be considered r egardless of the sacrifice of the few. If the intent is noble the method will be justified. According to Hegel, any damaging part of a community should be removed, and one tiny crime will be wiped clean by the good deeds that occur because of it. Civil Disobedience EssayRaslkolnikov uses Napoleon as an example of his extraordinary man throughout the book. He feels that he symbolizes the superman because he stood above common law, and had the nerve to commit nefarious acts in order to reach his goals. However, Raskolnikov does not consider another possibility who fits the mold of the extraordinary superman. Svidrigailov represents an almost perfect embodiment of the superman. He is a cold intellectual who emphasizes his own will above all else. Everything Svidrigailov does is done to either give him pleasure or place him above the normal morality. When Dunya denies him love, though, he finally comes to realize that he is truly unable to stand alone above everyone else without companionship. Where Svidrigailov falls short, so does Raskolnikov. Consequently, when he tries to stand alone, like a Nietzschean superman, he finds that he cannot bear to be cut off from the rest of humanity. This drives Raskolnikov to confess his crime in order to again become a member of society. Solitude opens him to the prospect of confession, and he in turn admits his crime as well as his own shortcoming to Sonia. The essential factors of psycho-analysis that are important in a interpretation of Raskolnikovs behavior in the novel Crime and Punishment, and whose conflict results in Raskolnikovs becoming a criminal are the id, the superego, and the ego. We see that these three parts of Raskolnikovs psyche attribute to his strange behavior and in the end his fate as a criminal. Before beginning an assessment of Raskolnikovs psyche we must discuss Raskolnikovs background, he is an intellectual, a student, and we see obvious effects of an over used intellect throughout the novel. Although Raskolnikov is an intellectual at the beginning and throughout the novel, when we see a flashback to his childhood, we see a dramatic scene where Raskolnikov shows great compassion towards a horse. A conflict between intellect and compassion is a central point of the book. The conflict arises because intellect is not very good at being compassionate, and compassion is generally not logical. This is one of the imposing factors within the psyche of Raskolnikov. Although Raskolnikovs compassion can be classified neatly under superego, morality principal. Intellect does not fit directly into opposition with it under id. Intellect would best be classified under ego, reality principal. The main job being to find a balance between id and superego. A very good example of this mediat ion, is after Raskolnikov gives money to Sonia. This is an extreme extension of his superego, the ego lets it slide by. But after Raskolnikovs ego or intellect analyzes this action he realizes it has broken the balance too much and he regrets it. Almost the same thing happens when Raskolnikov kills the old woman. After the ego analyzes it, the ego disapproves, again a tipping of the scale. A contributing factor to Raskolnikovs chaotic psyche and major factor in the morose attitude of Raskolnikov is his desperate surroundings. We are greeted with dark, dirty, desolate, city where there is no hope anywhere. He is surrounded by drunkards and prostitutes, there are only a few people within the novel who have even an inkling of contentment. Living in this environment it is understandable how he could be so miserable. Getting back to criminality, we see that the criminal could most likely be said to be lacking superego, and be a person ruled by the id. But this is not really the case. Crime is a symbolic expression of tensions and conflicts in the psyche of the criminal (Introduction to Criminology, 2) There is nothing but a conflict, that for the most part has resulted in a stalemate. But every now and again, one part of the psyche takes power and this leads to Raskolnikovs erratic behavior. Raskolnikovs behavior is merely a result of conflict between two extremes, leading him to be so kind yet so cruel at times. One thing which has not been discussed is Raskolnikovs theory that the extraordinary person need not adhere to law. Without going into too much detail this could be said to be an attempt by Raskolnikov to rationalize the desires of his id with his intellect. Leading him to the strange conclusion that it is justified to kill someone if it is beneficial to certain people.In conclusion, Ras kolnikov is the product of a cruel and desperate society and tortured by a chaotic psyche, and eventually his erratic behavior leads him to his downfall. Bibliography:
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